Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Here Wheather We Like it or Not........

(So I know I am behind, but I wanted to get these posted)

What's back?
Well for one......School is back in session!
(Wheather we like it or not)

Not usually a happy day around here, but the favorite part is NEW CLOTHES of course!
Middle and Youngest did a bit of babysitting and other jobs this summer so they could do some shopping for the new year.

Youngest is starting her second and last year at the Intermediate School (7th grade).
She bought this whole outfit............
(I should have taken picts all week so you could see all her new outfits)
Middle is "offficially" at the high school as a sophmore........
(also starting the year on the Varsity & JV volleyball team)

And we can't have a first day of school without her BF J.......
(Aren't they gorgeous?!)

So there's a good story that goes with this next pict.......
Only sophmores have to start school @ 8am on the first day. Upper classman don't have to go til noon. So Oldest sat around and watched movies. I was going to snap a pict of him in his pj's in the bean bag, but had to get myself ready for work :) Anyway he was still in his pj's when I left so I didn't get a pict of him in his first day outfit.
Luckily someone else did......

Lucky for me the local newspaper was there and even got him with his BF J (Indy) (on the front page). Being a senior this year I need to catch every moment I can wheather I do it or the paper as long as it gets done!
Our neighbor and friend J is with them and if you look close you can see part of Middle and her BF J in the background.

All went well with the first day we all survived and should make it through another year.

(P.S. I am under protest. Each first day of school brings a last and another year I protest!)

By the way did you read the part about him being a senior? Just wanted to make sure you got that part. It's a big part of the reason I protest.

Best wishes to you & your kids for a great school year!
(If you have a senior also my thoughts are with you.)

1 comment:

Doug and Michele said...

I will protest with you! He can NOT be a senior! I know he is an amazing one, but really - when did that happen? They all look great. Here's to a great year!